Fruit, vegetable, nut ingredients

Image source: ELAVI

Startup Spotlight

[Video] ELAVI's journey to Costco and reinvigorating its brand

By Deniz Ataman

Participating in Costco’s RoadShow and interacting directly with consumers to sample its gut-friendly, cashew dessert spreads gave WOC-founded startup ELAVI insights that would have “cost thousands of dollars” to acquire elsewhere, allowing it to make...

Source: Chamberlain Coffee

Chamberlain Coffee continues RTD expansion, launches Oatmilk Lattes

By Deniz Ataman

The Gen Z-oriented coffee brand Chamberlain Coffee released Salted Caramel and Mocha oatmilk lattes last month to “appeal to those that like a sweeter coffee and prefer oats as their top choice of milk,” Christopher Gallant, CEO, told FoodNavigator-USA.

© vovashevchuk / Getty Images

Holland and Barrett predicts health trends for 2024

By Olivia Brown

Following strong trends in protein and immunity throughout 2023, Holland and Barrett predicts new consumer demands for natural energy alternatives, cognitive care, personalised hormonal support, and optimised hydration in 2024.

Plant-based proteins have the potential to be used in a wide variety of ways outside of plant-based meat and dairy analogues. Image Source: fcafotodigital/Getty Images

Beyond meat and dairy analogues: What can plant-based protein do?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Plant-based protein isn’t just about meat and dairy analogues. At Food Ingredients Europe in Frankfurt last month, FoodNavigator spoke to companies doing a range of things with alternative proteins outside of simply adding them to plant-based burgers,...

Source: Getty/Serhii Khrystenko

Beyond the berry, Oishii launches Rubī tomato

By Deniz Ataman

Oishii’s Rubī, which means “ruby” in Japanese, is the vertical farm’s third fruit within its portfolio to launch in select Whole Foods locations with expected expansion to other locations in the coming months. Prior to Rubī, the vertical farm launched...

Source: The Kraft Heinz Not Company

Mac and cheese goes dairy-free with Kraft NotMac&Cheese launch

By Deniz Ataman

The pantry staple by The Kraft Heinz Not Company features a plant-based sauce made of fava bean protein and coconut oil powder in two flavors—original and white cheddar—priced at $3.49 a box on shelves this month and continuing its rollout in early 2024....

Image source: D. Ataman

Futureproofing the Food System

Will ‘healthy’ iconography help consumers select better options?

By Deniz Ataman

While the FDA is updating its current definition of healthy and exploring voluntary iconography for packaging, the term means many different things to many different people, which could complicate the impact of the icon and product marketing, suggests...

Image source: D. Ataman

Futureproofing the Food System

Building a defensible vertical farm is more than technology

By Deniz Ataman

Vertical farms promise to produce climate-resilient crops devoid of pesticides and fertilizers while reducing reliance on natural resources in contrast to traditional agriculture. Yet with the more recent failures of vertical farms due to high energy...

Image source: D. Ataman

Futureproofing the Food System

[Watch-on-demand] “Your AI is going to be as good as your data”

By Deniz Ataman

Understanding how to identify and leverage useful data into a consistent and predictive algorithm is critical for a nimble and productive business strategy. How can businesses across the food sector—from ingredient discovery and product development to...

Image source: Getty/Tara Moore

Spilling the tea (and coffee) on natural beverage trends

By Deniz Ataman

The functional and perceived health benefits of tea and coffee paired with their familiarity and diverse usage occasions across dayparts make them ideal platforms for beverage manufacturers to meet consumers’ evolving preferences for indulgence, health...

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